Tuesday, 10 March 2015

A New Shed and a Cauliflower

Our wigwam, lovingly created from old curtains and tablecloths in 2013 has finally rotted into a dowdy pile of moulding rags. Marcus spent Saturday constructing a replacement shed that he had bought through Gum Tree and we now are the proud owners of, "the smallest shed on the allotment". It is seriously teeny and looks amusingly like a regimental sentry post. Next job for the girls should probably be a scarecrow kitted out in a busby and a queens guard costume to keep Shirly company.

 The Wigwam 2013

The creation of Shirly

Talking of 'teeny', we have harvested our first and probably last cauliflower. We opted for a variety called Snow Ball, I actually think that Ping Pong Ball would be a better name for it. If we were in the business of micro veg we would be on to a winner but as a meal for a family of 5 it is seriously inadequate! 

Market Cauli on left, Home-grown Cauli on right

Apparently our cauliflower failings our not unusual and our fellow allotmentears have had similar problems. Cauliflowers generally thrive best in damp, compact soil and as we are blessed with dry, loam soil we are probably better off concentrating on other crops and feeding our Cauli habit from the market.

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